ELCAS Resettlement Funding

Fibreplus are an approved learning provider for the MOD’s Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC) programme. The ELC (or ‘ELCAS’) scheme promotes lifelong learning among members of the Armed Forces and veterans by providing government-funded training grants for service leavers. It is open to both serving personnel and those that have left.

To be eligible for ELCAS funding, forces personnel must be registered with ELCAS and have completed at least 6 years of eligible service. ELC funding can only be accepted for approved courses that lead towards a nationally recognised qualification at Level 3 or above. For those with full entitlement the MOD will fund 80% (up to £2000) of the course fees.

Full details on the scheme and eligibility requirements can be found on the ELCAS website.

Which courses are available for ELCAS Funding?

This is best suited to those who are looking to develop and certify skills in Fibre Optic, Splicing, Testing and Installation.

How is ELC claimed?

Claims for ELC grants can be made via the ELCAS website. Applicants will need to submit an ELC Claim Form confirming the course dates and provider details.

Our provider reference number is 3877, please contact our training team for available courses dates.

How do you book a course with ELC?

ELCAS will provide successful claimants a Claim Authorisation Note (CAN) stating the grant and personal contribution totals; the CAN should be emailed to our training department who will then provide the delegate an invoice for their share of the payment (this will be a minimum 20% of the course fees).

For further information on our ELCAS resettlement courses please don’t hesitate to contact our training team on 01225 636041, or email training@fibreplus.co.uk

Fibreplus Ltd

Caithness House, Western Way
Melksham, Wiltshire, England
SN12 8DZ

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00

Call Us

01225 636041

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